
Showing posts from 2008

Darden North interviewed on CONVERSATIONS LIVE! RADIO

Darden North was interviewwd by Cyrus Webb on CONVERSATIONS!LIVE RADIO - 12-11-08 at 7:00 p.m. CST. Below is the link to the interview: Conversations%20Live%20talks%20to%20author%20Darden%20North.mht

Mississippi Public Broadcasting Interviews Author Darden North, MD

Don’t Lecture Me …a new MPB Online web series featuring fascinating interviews with persons of note. Produced entirely on location, Don’t Lecture Me presents brief but concise one-on-one conversations with authors, artists, ambassadors and more. Copy and paste the link below to browser to watch the interview:

DELTA DEMOCRAT TIMES features Darden North's third novel, FRESH FROZEN - December 5, 2008

By LAURA SMITH Delta Democrat Times - Friday, December 5, 2008 2:25 PM CST GREENVILLE, MS - Two Mississippi authors will sign their newest books this weekend at McCormick Book Inn. On Saturday, Darden North will sign his third medical thriller, “Fresh Frozen,” from 2 to 4 p.m.; and Kathy Chase Young will sign her children's book, “In a Mississippi Winter,” on Sunday, from 2 to 3 p.m. North, who grew up in Cleveland and is an obstetrician-gynecologist in Jackson, has also written “House Call” and “Points of Origin.” Released in November, “Fresh Frozen” is set in Canton and Jackson, a departure from North's previous books, which were based in fictional towns, North said. He said the plot centers around a New York physician who moves to Mississippi to open a state-of-the-art infertility clinic in Canton. The plot twists when a character hopes to steal the embryos of Hollywood movie star seeking treatment at the clinic. “There's a murder in the book, ...

Feature in the BOLIVAR COMMERCIAL - "Darden North's Fresh Frozen"

LIFESTYLES Darden North's Fresh Frozen Thursday, Oct 09, 2008 Darden North, a former resident of Cleveland, is releasing his third medical mystery Fresh Frozen this week and plans on attending Octoberfest for a book signing Saturday. Dr. North, son of Evelyn Hays North and the late Linton Darden North, is an obstetrician/gynecologist practicing in partnership at Jackson Healthcare for Women, but found time to write during quiet hours and late night shifts at the hospital. He has written two books House Call and Points of Origin, and has continued in this same vein in Fresh Frozen. In Fresh Frozen, a young policeman and his tormented wife fail miserably to produce a family, finding themselves outcasts of the renewed baby boom sweeping the United States. However, there is one last hope for them: a catalogue of human embryo and egg donors peddled by a woman whose standards are easily dismissed for the right price. Pursuing their futile attempts to become parents has nearly cost the wi...

Doctor Pens Third Medical Thriller - Feature in THE CLARION LEDGER

-------------------------------------------------------------- Mississippi author and full-time physician Darden North is featured in an article by Billy Watkins of The Clarion Ledger . The article appears below: October 19, 2008 Section: Southern Style Edition: Metro Page: 1F Doctor pens 3rd medical thriller Billy Watkins By Billy Watkins Darden North keeps a list of people he plans to invite to the premiere party when Hollywood turns one of his novels into a movie. "If you're going to do what it takes to write books, you might as well dream big," says North, a Jackson ob-gyn for the past 23 years who has just released his third medical mystery thriller, Fresh Frozen (Ponder House Press, $26.95). North, 52, has chosen to publish his books through independent sources, which used to mean certain death for a book. That has changed, in part, because of the success of books that were originally self-published. Exampl...

Darden North interview on DELTA MORNING with DAVID LUSK

Mississippi author and Delta native Darden North to be interviewed 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, October 15, 2008, on DELTA MORNING WITH DAVID LUSK. WNIX Newstalk Radio 1330 AM.